Getaway Spas-Outer Filter for Eco Pur Charge System-X268550-PMA-R5

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SKU: X268550
Regular price $48.50

Master Spas - X268550 - PMA-R5 - Filter Element - Outer Micro Filter (used with X268532 - PMA-EPR)

X268550 Filter aka "FILTER OUTER ROTO LOCKING - Getaway models"
Filter Details:

Diameter: 5.0 inches (12.70 cm)
Length: 8.0 inches (20.
Total Length (including top and bottom): 8.75 inches (22.225 cm)
Weight: 1 lb. 2.6 oz. (530 g) 32 cm)
UPC: 090164001395

This filter works in conjunction with this Eco Pur Charge:
X268532 - PMA-EPR - Eco Pur Charge